Sullivan Street

If you aren't emotionally invested, you won't be happy with the purchase anyway.

Counting Crows Sullivan Street is a deep cut off their debut album.

The character sings about his drive to his girlfriends house, and how the drive confirms he needs to break up with her.  The relationship is "almost, everything I need."

On one level, this song is about how emotions can get spun up by an address.

On another level, this song is about whether, or when, to settle.  If you find yourself convincing yourself "we can make it work!" You're probably right.  If you are seeing possibilities, options, solutions, you aren't actually settling.  It means you may have found the one.

When you're deciding whether to offer, it's OK to let your emotions drive.  Then when you decide how much to offer, work with your realtor to strategize and consider everything: renovation costs, private school?).

If you aren't emotionally invested, you won't be happy with the purchase anyway.  Remember, "happy" is an emotion!

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