Over You

When you're deciding about whether and where to move, depending on how you've experienced your time

This week's spotlight is on the Daughtry pseudo-grunge classic " Over You."

As the title suggests, it's a song about getting over a girl he thought he never would.

Now what, in god's name, does this song have to do with real estate? Well, Daughtry makes reference to feeling like an "old abandoned house."  Built up and torn down....

When you're deciding about whether and where to move, depending on how you've experienced your time in your current home, it can feel like a part of the family, or like an infected toe that needs to be amputated.

If you love your house, it can be hard to leave.  All the memories....the penciled heights of your kids, the names carved in trees, the sidewalk where the kids learned to walk.  Going back further: crossing the threshold with your spouse for the first time, your first closing on a house.  Positive memories you don't want to leave behind.

If you hate your house, you might be excited to leave. Maybe your memories are scarred by illness, divorce, drama, or even death.

Either way, when it's time to move, you need to remember that a new home is a great way (the best way?) to turn the page and create some new experiences and, in time, new memories.  You can't start over until you end something.  You can't reminisce until you leave.

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