All For Leyna- Billy Joel

North Shore, Long Island Wisdom From a Long Islander

Billy is singing about an unhealthy relationship with a girl.  Obsession, sacrifice of everything for her, shunning of family.

What in the world would this have to do with real estate? Well, now that you mention it….

When you are looking for your next home with your significant other, it is important that you both remember that you each have a say…if not exactly a vote.  Unless you have a relationship very different from the one I have with my wife, you’re not buying a house unless both of you want to.  In that way, it needs to be unanimous.  However, you can persuade each other.

How do you do that?

Well, first, make sure you let it breathe.  Look at a house, think about it, notice things, even write some things down.  If you like a place and your partner doesn’t, try to understand why.  Maybe there are minor issues that can be overcome (”I hate orange carpet!”- OK let’s change it!).  Maybe there is an emotional reaction that requires a reset (”This kitchen reminds me of my mother’s kitchen, I hate my mother!” “OK, let’s get some new appliances in there, change the floors…”).

In a quiet moment, go over the concerns and try to address them.  Arguing won’t do it.  Do you really want a house you got because you “won” an argument? Nope.  You want to persuade.  If you’re both onboard, you are far more likely to love the place.

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